E-mail with Aerc, isync, pass and GnuPG
I already use pass and GnuPG to handle my passwords, but now I wanted to setup the Aerc e-mail client on my laptop.
Here’s how I did it on Atomic Fedora Sway 40.
Thinking in containers
With Atomic Fedora I try to run everything I can in a container, to keep modifications to the host OS down to a minimum.
Here’s what I install in a toolbox container.
sudo dnf install aerc isync pinentry-gnome3 bat pandoc
The last two are personal preference.
Fedora already handles starting gpg-agent with /usr/lib/systemd/user/gpg-agent.socket
, but we need to tell gpg-agent to use a different pinentry program by adding this line to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gnome3
We need to use the gnome3 pinentry because in a lot of cases gpg will not be called using a TTY, so even if you can get pinentry-curses working by setting GPG_TTY=$(tty)
it still causes a lot of problems when called from aerc.
A lot of people mention mbsync online without saying it’s part of the isync package, mbsync is merely the binary name.
Here is how I configure my mbsync in ~/.mbsyncrc
, YMMV, but note that I use the pass command to fetch my password.
IMAPAccount work-imap
Host mailserver.example.com
User stefan@example.com
PassCmd "pass mailserver.example.com/stefan@example.com"
MaildirStore work-maildir
Path ~/Mail/work/
INBOX ~/Mail/work/INBOX
SubFolders Verbatim
IMAPStore work-imap
Account work-imap
Channel work
Far :work-imap:
Near :work-maildir:
Patterns INBOX Archive Sent Junk Drafts
Create Both
SyncState *
# Uncomment this when you're confident, because it deletes deleted mails on
# your IMAP server.
#Expunge Both
Don’t forget to create the Maildir directory structure, mkdir -p ~/Mail/work
Now run mbsync to test it, mbsync -c ~/.config/isync/mbsyncrc work
mbsync timer
I’d like to run mbsync regularly and also send a notification if there is new mail, so save something like this script in ~/.local/bin/mbsync.bash
killall mbsync &>/dev/null
test -z "$1" && exit 1
/usr/bin/mbsync -c $HOME/.config/isync/mbsyncrc -q "$channel"
new="$(find $maildirnew -type f | wc -l)"
old="$(find $maildirold -type f | wc -l)"
export DISPLAY=:0; export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
if [ $new -gt 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/notify-send --icon='/usr/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/mail-message-new.svg' \
-a "mbsync" "You've got mail" "($new/$old)"
You can change the icon and other paths to suit your environment.
And setup the timer to run a service that calls toolbox run ~/.local/bin/mbsync.bash
, these files go in ~/.config/systemd/user/mbsync@.timer
and ~/.config/systemd/user/mbsync@.service
Description=IMAP sync to Maildir
Description=IMAP sync to Maildir
ExecStart=/usr/bin/toolbox run %h/.local/bin/mbsync.bash %i
Use the name of the mbsync channel in the timer, this will run the corresponding service mbsync@work.service
systemctl --user enable mbsync@work.timer
systemctl --user start mbsync@work.timer
Bootstrap the aerc config dirs like this, mkdir -p ~/.config/aerc/{templates,filters}
Signature template
A very basic default e-mail template with a signature that I create like this.
printf '\n\n\n/ Stefan Midjich @ Work' > ~/.config/aerc/templates/work-signature.txt
General config
pgp-provider = gpg
log-file = ~/.config/aerc/messages.log
styleset-name = nord
icon-unencrypted = 🔓
icon-encrypted = 🔒
icon-signed = ✔
icon-signed-encrypted = ✅
pager = bat --pager=always
always-show-mime = true
max-mime-height = 5
text/html=pandoc -f html -t plain
new-message = work-signature.txt
Accounts config
is where you put passwords for outgoing SMTP, and need to use pass again.
source = maildir://~/Mail/work
outgoing = smtp+login://user@smtp.example.com:587
outgoing-cred-cmd = pass mailserver.example.com/user@smtp.example.com
check-mail-cmd = mbsync -c ~/.config/isync/mbsyncrc work
from = Stefan Midjich <stefan@example.com>
copy-to = Sent
pgp-auto-sign = true
pgp-attach-key = true
pgp-opportunistic-encrypt = true
pgp-key-id = XXXXXX
How to use Aerc
Now you can run the :check-mail
command from aerc and it will call mbsync, display the pinentry-gnome3 dialog and you can enter your PGP password.
Same with any PGP operations, and when sending e-mail, the correct pinentry will be used.
My advice is to start by reading the 4 manpages aerc(1), aerc-config(5), aerc-accounts(5) and aerc-tutorial(7).
Placing this file in ~/.local/share/applications
allows my Sway rofi menu to find aerc and start it.
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=E-mail client
Comment=Terminal e-mail client with tmux-like navigation.
Exec=/usr/bin/toolbox run aerc