About this site
As previously stated; this is a personal blog to document my journey through life, but mostly computers.
This blog is highly personal to me, you might even say it’s cathartic to write. I might be very honest, or straightforward in my opinions on this blog, so don’t be offended, you can just browse away somewhere else and enjoy your internet experience without me. :)
About me

I am Stefan Midjich, a Swede ๐ธ๐ช with Croatian ๐ญ๐ท roots who enjoys tinkering with software.
An MBTI test I took many years ago claimed I was INTP. I’m not sure how to feel about that, but I am sure that I’ve matured into a very comfortable introvert with age.
A lot of people have claimed that I have aspergers, or that I’m on the Autism Spectrum. I’ve never been diagnosed but I can say for sure that I have a natural sense for logical systems, can be overwhelmed by external stimuli such as noise, feel most calm when I’m in nature, at night, or on my own, and have some difficulty with social cues.
Most people I know grew up without any of these labels or diagnoses, so if you ask me I’m just a bit weird and constantly working hard at being a better person. Pobody’s nerfect.
The domain
I registered this domain in 2004 so it’s the oldest domain I own, and quite possibly my oldest possession.
I’m in no way associated with the old Swedish hacker group from the 80s with the same name. It’s possible that as a child in the 90s I had read text files about their exploits, and later when my first IT job was for a company named “Swebase” I picked this name for my first personal domain and blog.
After that the domain was dormant for a long time while I tried to find my identity online, and now it’s back as my personal blog yet again.
This site takes over from my old personal website at stefan.midjich.name, because that name was way too long. You can still find all the old stuff archived here on gitlab.