kubectl cheatsheet
There are many cheatsheets like this online but this one is from my perspective.
kubectl explain
This shows all the object specifications available and you can drill down each object to see what key values they take.
$ kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers
Run command inside pod/container
$ kubectl exec -n namespace -it pod-name -- nslookup my-service
Contexts and files
- I tend to avoid using .kube/config and instead specify individual files like
. - And then use the KUBECONFIG environment variable to add them like this
export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:$HOME/.kube/my-environment.yaml
Connecting through Socks proxy
If you only have SSH access to a k8s cluster you can setup a tunnel using DynamicForward and connect to it using the https_proxy
environment variable.
$ export https_proxy=socks5://localhost:56443
$ kubectl get nodes
Get configmap or secret values from keys with dashes
Retrieve a value with dashes instead of underscores.
kubectl get secret mysecret --template='{{index .data "key-name-with-dashes"}}'
Get Secret environment variables
kubectl -n mastodon get secret/mastodon-env -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'